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meet us

meet us

What is

What is this?

A Selfie Museum is a collection of curated backdrops that are designed to be vibrant and fun for social media images. Whether you are in line to be the next influencer or just for a fun look for social media to share with your friends/family, our selfie museum is for everyone! 
We have over 15+ installments that change with the seasons for your picture taking needs. 
Product photography? No problem, bring your products and enjoys are fun and dynamic backdrops. 

Owners, photographers and more

The Owners and Masterminds behind Glow Selfie Museum are actually Photographers!

The husband and wife team have been photographing weddings for years!

Jamie (wife) is a experienced Professional Photographer who specializes in Boudoir, Maternity and Newborns. She runs her Photography business out of the same building that Glow is in.

Jason (Husband) has over 25 years of project management and construction experience making this the Dream Team behind these installments. 

meet us


lifestyle blogger

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummies donut. Fruitcake cheesecake brownie oat cake sweet roll chocolate bar gingerbread cake. Gummies biscuit marzipan marshmallow chocolate macaroon.

Sweet tootsie roll candy canes candy canes sugar plum. Brownie fruitcake dragée cake croissant tiramisu. Tiramisu chocolate bar cookie. Cake topping cookie topping.

Marzipan biscuit wafer tart chocolate bar toffee brownie chocolate bar. Danish marshmallow jelly beans pastry macaroon. Chupa chups donut ice cream. Tiramisu cotton candy dessert chocolate bar biscuit bear claw jelly-o.

meet rachel


© your studio | designed by rachael earl


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